For years the order of Delirious saints a true spiritual mastermind group has kept its doors shut from the public with no access to its initiatory and study system. With the current head of the Order Adam Nox this changes as these teachings become public for members throughout the world through the establishment of the outer order initiative "coven".
Now you can participate remotely and in some cases in person without the financial expenses of order membership. This was created with the seeker in mind at a mere $99 a year
The Coven Initiative is designed for members worldwide to participate in one of several cyber and in person covens, exploring the outer order level teachings and practices of the O.D.S.
These are also the essential skills for success in the 5 elemental grades which focus on growth in the magical and material world with a focus on the psychological to establish correct internal habits for the neophytes ability to properly process the effects of higher initiations whilst accomplishing a stable material and psychic life
This is done through monthly papers for the seeker to work through and report on as well as live online based discussions, rituals and group meetings
About the Order
The order of Delirious Saints is based out of South Africa with various temples across the world. The order is a collective of adepts from different orders and systems across the world with the singular focus of the per-suite of truth and the exchange of knowledge and the support of its members.
Further the order boasts 3 primary houses or schools of initiation focused on the elements and the planets, the front of the tree of life and the back of the tree of life.
The order considers material, social, physical, psychological, spiritual, financial, technical and creative development and success essential parts of human experience and magick simply as one of the many technologies and or disciplines employed to accomplish ones full potential.
The order itself is by Invitation only and currently the only public door for this is coven
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Initiatory system of
The Order Of Delirious Saints
The Outer Order
Coven is an activate practice through group and solo practices and study in the esoteric system of the delirious saints with a focus on spiritual and material development
The house of preparation
The Serpent and the triangle
The focus of this house is initiations through the front of the tree of life
The Inner Order
Le venin du serpent
The focus of this house is initiations through the back of the tree of knowledge
The house of adepts
The Nitzotzoth
The focus of the final house is for the establishment of the 3rd tree and the resolutions of the two
benefits of
Monthly Learning Modules and ritual practices
Mail based mentorship access.
Opportunity to practice in a coven or temple near you pending approval
Live online based lectures
Live online based group ritual
A chance to earn entrance into the higher houses of the order
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