How to live deliciously

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Hey there, sinners. It’s Adam Nox and welcome to another episode of The Cult of You.

I want to start off with a couple of quick announcements. Firstly, as I’ve mentioned in my last video on the shaman for us, there are a couple of changes that are going to be coming forward with the show as well as with my own work.

As a result of me implementing those changes, the next few months, basically from now until December, there will be a bit of a slowdown on the content that I put out on this channel. I’m not stopping by any means. There’s still going to be content, there’s still going to be some episodes, some interviews, and astrology pieces. We’re still going to be bringing out content; we’re just slowing it down a little bit.

“Love thy mystery more than thy history – Adam Nox”

“Seek surrender, not release. – Adam Nox”

Keys Insights and takeways
  • Living Deliciously: Emphasis on the misunderstood concept of living deliciously, which is about embracing joy, pleasure, and ecstasy in life without corruption.

  • Dionysus vs. Bacchus: The transition from the Greek idea of Dionysus (revelry and altered states) to the Roman Bacchus (drunkenness and corrupted pleasure) illustrates how joy can be misinterpreted and corrupted.

  • Overcoming Shame: The importance of overcoming shame and societal judgments to fully experience joy and pleasure without associating it with negative consequences.

  • Rationality and Imagination: While rational thinking has given us scientific and technological advances, it disconnects us from fundamental ecstasy. Balancing rationality with imaginative, emotional, and spiritual experiences is crucial for a fulfilling life.

  • Meaning and Survival: Viktor Frankl’s insights on how empowering meanings can help individuals thrive even in adverse conditions, highlighting the importance of finding meaning in life’s challenges.

  • Integration of Archetypes: The process of integrating various parts of oneself, including darker aspects, to achieve psychological and emotional harmony and avoid cognitive dissonance.

  • Personal Responsibility in Influence: Understanding the role of influence and persuasion in life and using it responsibly for positive change.

  • Active Imagination and Inner Dialogue: The practice of active imagination and inner dialogue to build relationships with different parts of oneself, leading to self-validation and inner harmony.


“Finding meaning within the shadows can liberate us from enslavement to pain. – Adam Nox”

“The journey is within; the thing we’re looking for is within ourselves. – Adam Nox”

Goat and black tent, nomadic life.

The main reason for that is because I’m starting work on new content, just different styles, different directions I want to take the show in—things that I think will be more interesting to you and a lot more fun for me to create as well. Alongside that, the team’s run, there’s going to be some new segments and new pieces coming out. All of them are scheduled for December alongside the launch of our app, which I mentioned.

But with that, I do want to highlight one thing: if you are somebody that’s interested in my course, The Cult of You, that course is basically going to be closed as of the end of this month. I’m not completely terminating it, but there are components of it that are moving into my Demandership program. If you are a member of that course, don’t worry, your lifetime access as I promised does stay, but I’m going to stop selling that course at the end of this month.

So essentially from August 2022, that course will no longer be available for sign up. If you’re still keen to get in, now is your last chance to sign up for that program. A large portion of that course will be re-released inside of the Witch I Am app as a learning path with some components around that. But some of the other components in there, quite frankly, I think are a little advanced and can be very easily misrepresented or harmful if somebody didn’t follow that work progressively.

That’s going to change and be released in a different format. Again, the app is going to come out at the end of the year, the new shows and everything is going to come out. We’re not going anywhere, we’re just going through a little bit of a rebranding exercise, organizing the segments. The Cult of You name we own is going to stay the same. There is going to be more of a blog that really dives more deeply into these subjects and the authors and other thinkers inside of the community. We’re bringing out the store. There’s going to be the app, Witch I Am, and the Witch I Am app is basically going to be where all our training programs and the training programs of other teachers are going to be.

One of the things that is really important for me as we kind of go into this is to make sure that I leave you with something useful. I always start my segments off and remind you to live deliciously. Wouldst thou like the taste of butter and a pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? Yes. It’s always been this thing associated with the devil and the heathen lifestyle of pleasure and ecstasy.

It’s really something that I think is one of the more misunderstood concepts in our world today. It’s one of the things that most people seem to be very deeply disconnected from. They don’t know how to live deliciously, and when they do, they turn it into something that’s corrupt. In fact, a very interesting correlation is how we see the transition from Dionysus into Bacchus by the influence of the Romans from that Greek initial kind of idea. Dionysus was the revelry of the altered states; it was the pleasure of the abandonment. It wasn’t the drunkenness; it wasn’t the abuse of these things. In fact, those were kind of no-nos in many ways.

It was only when the idea of Bacchus came in, where he was the lord of drunkenness and essentially the pleasure gone corrupt. It kind of reminds me of a phrase that I really disdain. When little kids sometimes get too much of what they want, parents will often say, “Oh, you’re so spoiled.” We kind of say that as an endearing term, but it’s really a bad thing where we link this idea of having pleasure or abundance or having like we’re spoiled, like we’re going to be rotten fruit, you know, so that every time there’s some joy or pleasure, there’s going to be an extreme price to pay.

It’s the same kind of attitude that prevents us from really opening ourselves up to joy because we have this default attitude: the more you open yourself up to joy, the more likely the pain is going to come. So today I want to dive into that. I want to explore how to live deliciously, what are the keys to ecstasy, how do we find more joy and more juice out of life, and how do we stop limiting the joy and the pleasure that we have.

So without any further ado, sit back, relax, and let me show you how to live deliciously.


I think it’s with a little bit of tongue-in-cheek that I chose my coffee cup today, right? The reason I did that is because I remember this one time on Facebook, I was watching a reel and it was from this new age Christian or whatever. It was from this little orthodox kid that’s trying to sound like he’s in the know. He was talking about how “Love is the law, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” He used this as a premise for an argument that said that, you know, all these people in the occult have no morality, no integrity, they’re all about just doing what you want and not having reverence for the other, and that’s why it’s always associated with the devil and everything.

I mean, I astrally slapped this guy because it just reminded me of the level of ignorance and also again the danger of sometimes letting information out for non-initiates. I mean, it’s not that the person is a complete and total idiot, it’s just our fault in many ways as occultists and practitioners out there. We put out information sometimes without the context that’s necessary to it. It’s really why there is that big notice at the start of this video that goes, “Hey, there’s a lot more to this. Do your research. One little video can’t give you all the answers.”

At the end of the day, this is why initiation existed, right? Initiation existed to basically say, “Look, you first need to know this, get that down, and then you move on to this level.” Same thing in our educational systems, right? You can’t expect a grade one student to suddenly understand university-level mathematics. It’s just ridiculous, you know, or for a little baby to understand the deep complexities of biology and its effects on human behavior. You wouldn’t care to, right?

This is really what the problem is, especially in today’s world with TikTok and all these other things. We’re throwing out ideas and they’re being misrepresented. It’s like the statement by Joseph Campbell, “Follow your bliss.” Absolutely great advice for an entrepreneur or for somebody actively doing therapy. Horrible advice for a pervert or a drug addict or somebody that’s a serial killer or a narcissist. They’re context-dependent, and there’s a lot of these things that need to be taken into consideration.

So oftentimes when we take up the statement “Live deliciously,” “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” obviously that’s a more complex idea. There are a lot of these pre-established ideas and stages of development that are necessary for one to grasp these higher liberated levels of life. This is a very important thing, one that I see in the left-hand path very actively, and it’s the gateways of Dante’s Inferno. The reason I use that reference is because if we look at the model of hell in Dante’s Inferno, we see almost like these oceans of depression and sorrow as precursors to the journey that lies ahead.

This is a very interesting thing that I find very clearly in the path. There are so many that try and talk about the magic and the mystery of the powers of the dark side and all these things like that, but then they’re miserable human beings. They’re deeply impoverished, not just financially but emotionally. They’re always at the effect of the world and what other people are doing. They’re always in reaction. This is firstly not a very spiritually developed state. This is someone that runs to demons and things out there as a way to escape the drama within themselves. This is not at all the left-hand path or the path of the occult or the spiritual paths in the first place.

That’s just an unhealthy human being that’s emotionally and psychologically immature and looking for quick-fix solutions. They’re definitely not anything what this path is about. This path is fundamentally one of self-transmutation, the alchemy of self to liberate from the soul, from the self, these divine gifts, these siddhis. The siddhis are not necessarily just powers, they’re states of being, they’re qualities of joy because the magus understands that, “I don’t want money for money.”

I don’t want a car because I want a car. I want a car because it gives me freedom to move, so I want freedom of expression. Or I want status. There are emotional and psychological states that are behind these things. These are the big things. I don’t want love because I want more people around me in that sense. I want people around me because I want a sense of connection, I want a sense of love. I don’t necessarily just want physical bodies, I want that intimacy, I want that connection. These are the things that I’m really after.

As we begin this journey of personal development—and that’s really what occultism is: self-help on steroids, it’s personal development and growth on steroids—that’s what it really is at its root. It’s getting to the next level. It’s not repressing or ignoring anything but actually dealing and resolving all these fundamental parts.

One of the things that we start to do in this progression line of things is, after a number of relationships, realize that, wait, the source of the love is not the other person. The source of the love is actually me. How does that work? Well, this person doing this thing represents a certain state to me, much the same way as your sigils do in magic. They represent a certain state, and through accessing that emotional state, we eventually start to anchor and link the two together. Then that state or that symbol becomes that thing. When we see that thing or see that person’s face, we instantly melt. That’s great, but what happens when that person leaves or that situation changes? Suddenly, now we don’t have access to that state anymore, and we’re in pain. We’ve literally created a divide within ourselves and the source of the state, projecting that source of the state outside of ourselves to people, places, times, things, and events, as Joe Dispenza so well points out. As such, we are lost.

It’s this eternal symbolism of the alchemist blindfolded in search of nature and nature walking right beside him. We’re looking in the wrong direction for something that dwells within ourselves. When we are magi, this is the thing we start to understand, that the journey is within. The thing that we’re looking for is within ourselves. It’s not in the world. It doesn’t matter how much money you’re going to have, it doesn’t matter how much success, lovers, and all these other material things. We even see the symbolism in the Bhagavad Gita of man being ridden wild by the senses, the senses being the horses that are chasing the chariot, the chariot being the mind.

It’s extra slavery inside of the world of TikTok and Instagram today and other social media platforms where we’re seeing these rich sensory worlds, which again we’ve been conditioned to think is pleasure, ecstasy, and joy. We’re chasing those things, we constantly feel ourselves in a sense of need and desperation and emptiness and sorrow for the things that we are quote unquote lacking. The reason we’re lacking them is because of cognitive dissonance. The ideas of cognitive dissonance can be very easy to understand.

We look at, for example, a game show like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and an interesting thing happens inside of this experience. We have a man that’s pretty well educated on general knowledge or whatever the field is, sitting there being asked questions by somebody reading cue cards. When we interview these people, we find that the audience tends to think that the person reading the cue cards is the most intelligent. If you’re thinking rationally about that, I mean that guy’s just sitting there reading cue cards. He doesn’t know any of the knowledge. The extra funny thing is if we ask the person being interviewed, being asked the questions, who’s most intelligent, he also thinks the person asking them the questions is. This is disproportionate; it’s cognitive dissonance.

The problem with cognitive dissonance is it makes us go into a state of depression or lack of self-worth, and the moment we do that, we make the world outside of us seem better and greater than it actually is. It’s a psychological projection. Instead of recognizing the beauty and the power and knowledge within us, we suddenly project it outside of ourselves because of the state that we are in. Now look at the media, look at the world, look at society out there. Think about it, you go out and you watch a movie today, right? Firstly, most movies have some kind of love story, one of our most basic human needs. We need love, we need a bond, we want family, we want to grow.

You may not consciously agree with that statement, but I invite you to look at the hurt behind that thing that makes you say that statement. When we dive into these basic survival fundamental needs of ourselves, we go out to Hollywood movies and see Superman, right? You see a guy that is literally from another planet with supernatural powers and unnatural beauty who’s always perfect, who can’t get the girl. This super being can’t get the girl. If that being can’t get the girl, how can we?

There is this unconscious message being delivered in our society that creates a disproportionate perspective of self and puts us in constant cognitive dissonance. It puts us in a place where we’re constantly emotionally disconnected from our resourcefulness. You don’t see common people in films or in magazines or anything like that. In fact, I emphasize again Joe Dispenza’s work. One of the things that he does brilliantly is on his YouTube channel and in his other works, he shows common day-to-day people curing themselves from cancer and doing these things. The reason he does that specifically is because only when you look at people that are doing the impossible and you link yourself, “But that’s like me,” they’ve got the word or the little belly or something like that, they’re like me, then your brain goes, “This is self-referable, this is possible for me. If they can do it, I can do it,” and that’s when a large shift dynamically begins to happen within ourselves.

One of the things about this cognitive dissonance space is it creates a lot of drug addict-like behavior, it creates a lot of desperate behavior. Let me give you an example from Robert Johnson’s book, Ecstasy. In Ecstasy, he describes a wonderful story about a British doctor that studied some of the Hindu diets in certain parts of India and came to the conclusion that there’s no way that these people should actually be nourished. They should be malnourished. He goes over to India and studies some of these people and finds they’re not malnourished, they’re fine. Then he takes them out of that environment, takes them to London, puts them on the same diet, and you know what? Three weeks in, they’re malnourished.

He starts to investigate this and finds out the problem is that the food in London is too clean. The environment they grow up in has all kinds of what we would consider impurities inside of the food, but as it turns out, these very impurities are what is needed to create the probiotics and create all the other things that make it still sustainable and still healthy for them. It’s our attempt to super purify, super perfect, that actually causes a lot because we’re judging: this is good, that is bad, this is right, that is wrong. We’re constantly in this upheaval of dramas of dissonance. The problem with this dissonance is we created the biggest one with ourselves when we started creating shame and attaching shame to us.

All those little desires and kinks and interests that you have where you’re like, “Bad boy or bad girl, not good enough, not socially acceptable, not the superhero that’s going to struggle to get the girl, not this idealized Imago, not this idolized fantasy self,” and every time it’s not that divine sacred self, it’s somehow impure, not good enough, bad, wrong. As such, we repress it more and more into the subconscious. These shadow parts or shadows of as we say kind of then start creating lives of their own. Entire personalities exist inside of each and every one of us. There’s an entire kingdom of quote-unquote heaven and hell existing inside of everyone’s personal unconscious.

Within that, there are deeper tiers and layers. You have all the good intentions, you wake up and you’re like, “I’m gonna start my day with power,” and you do the first day, and then the second day, two weeks after that, you can’t get out of bed. What’s the part of you that’s sabotaging you, adding to this drama, adding to this concern? Now that part is the repressed components of yourself. That is the part of yourself that you are disconnected from, that you’re disassociated from, that you have created shame to. We think that’s what we’re supposed to do, “Oh, this is bad, that’s wrong.” Yet if we look at magic, what it’s taught us, take the work of Austin Spare. Part of Austin Spare’s work after doing this complete work of the sigil creation is then to repress and force it into the unconscious, and through that it takes on a life of its own.

Okay, so what happens when you repress and force down your guilt, your shame, your judgment, your impostor syndrome, your “I’m a weirdo,” “I’m different,” “I’m unaccepted,” “I’m a failure”? These things take on lives of themselves, and that’s why if we look at work like Existential Kink and other forms of therapy and processes like that, the first part is to discover what’s pleasurable, rediscover the light. What do we say in the dark side? The clip-off contains within themselves the nitzutz, the light within the darkness. What’s the pleasure, what’s the ecstasy behind your demonic self, your darker aspects? Once we do that, we can start integrating this, and this is very crucial.

There’s this idea that I found very well expressed in the book Gaian Alchemy and many others. One of the things that Stephen talks about in Gaian Alchemy is that part of our disconnect is this disconnect from our imaginative psyche and this complete materialistic component. We see that we become completely rational, and the rational mind is incredibly important. It’s what allows us some of the most abstract ideas that we’ve come to develop today: machine learning, the latest advances in neuroscience and biology, computer programming, and other technologies. These are all the result of extreme rational thinking. Most of our medicine today is the result of extreme rational thinking.

But as anybody that explores the structure of somatic descent and the exploration of this, we find a very interesting idea. This is an idea that was highlighted in the book, and please forgive me I don’t recall the author, but it was called My Stroke of Genius, a woman who had a stroke to the left side of her brain and suddenly had the full expanse of the right side of her brain open up. The thing that happened is this fear, this isolation, this loneliness, all this stuff, it went away, it disappeared. She felt an incredible connection, as if she was a connected nerve to everything and everyone around her. Sure, it was overwhelming at first, but that’s again literally our nature.

As I spoke about it with Dr. Bynum inside of that episode around the unconscious, the unconscious is this massive ocean and our ego exists to help us kind of manage that thing. If works now suddenly opening all the floodgates, that’s why a lot of people go mad or crazy when they’re suddenly starting to explore occultism. They’re not ready for that onslaught of the unconscious, it’s too big and too vast, especially for someone who’s not initiated, who is not trained. What I’m saying here, though, is very important still. Your rational logical mind is fundamentally important. It must be cultivated and developed because it’s given us the advances of science and technology and all these other parts, but it does not give happiness. It disconnects us from our fundamental ecstasy. It looks at the moons and the stars and goes, “These are just giant balls of gas.” It looks at the body and we’re just cells. The magic is taken out, and magic is meaning.

This is very important. When Viktor Frankl, one of the survivors of the Holocaust, was going through that terrible experience inside of the concentration camps, he was basically saying, “What was the difference?” There were people that came in, they were all in the same circumstances, yet some people immediately basically shriveled up and died, and others seemed to get stronger and healthier, more vibrant. When he interviewed these people to find the difference, he found the difference was not the circumstances, the environment, or any of these facts. The difference was the meaning these people associated. Essentially, when there was a more empowering meaning to this horrible experience, those people thrived. When the meaning was “This is terrible, this is failure, this is empty,” those people died. The body responded, the psyche responds to the message. It’s Shakti that calls on for Shiva. That’s the kundalini that longs for the desires. The infinite emptiness of consciousness wants to fold and mold around it.

Our emotional body is constantly looking to the mind to say, “What are we experiencing? What is reality? What is this journey? What am I going to create? What am I going to flow into? What am I going to form into?” If the message is unclear and unhealthy, we struggle. Now we live in a world where you start judging yourself: “I can’t do that because of my sexual preference,” “I can’t have that because of the color of my skin,” or “my religion,” or “my economy,” or “my this, that, or the other.” It’s funny how we will blame things on the economy or blame things on our gender when some of the greatest revolutions have been exactly in spite of that.

We talk about the economy going down, but if we look at the history of our species, it was in recessions where some companies and some people became billionaires. It was during COVID’s pandemic when everyone’s like, “Oh, we’re missed,” where many new billionaires became part of the thing. In fact, even if you look at the census reports, there are more people now than there were before that. Our entire perspectives are self-referred based upon our internal beliefs. Our internal beliefs essentially determine our experience of reality and that determines the reality we are able to create.

Now this is very important for the following reason: you sit upon this mountain known as the unconscious and we are only seeing the tip of its iceberg. It contains within itself everything—all these different archetypes, beings, components of the self. The way to find the ecstasy is to go inside there. It’s to change your relationship with that and unlock these forces within yourself by starting to understand them. It’s quite literally through the ladder of the imagination that we explore the tree of life. Noticing and dealing and conversing actively, as Jung would say, active imagination, it’s by then ritualizing these internal components of ourselves that we begin to actually get in touch with the portions of our psyche responsible for our joy, for our ecstasy, for the true delicious texture of life that then makes everything beautiful again.

If life is not beautiful, it’s because you’re disconnected from those things out there. That’s why I give the example that I did earlier in the story of ecstasy. We have come to a place emotionally where we are malnourished. We think to ourselves that when I have that car, when this cleaned-up version of status, when I have that kind of fake relationship… I have been there. I’ve dated all the supermodels and I’ve had all the crazy billion-dollar clients and things like that, and sometimes that’s been the most horrific, empty places that I’ve been emotionally because I was settling for super clean and super purified instead of sometimes enjoying the raw, decadent nature of my own life and finding the beauty and the ecstasy in that. When I discovered that, I discovered the rich nourishment.

So if you’re not experiencing ecstasy in your day-to-day life, you are psychically malnourished. If you are psychically malnourished, you’re more likely to be overeating, you’re more likely to suffer from various forms of addiction, you’re more likely to settle in relationships and in life in general. You’re probably going to have fights about stupid, pointless quotes on the internet and all these things. If you look at the drama that’s out there, that’s why it’s out there. It’s out there because these people are emotionally and psychologically malnourished. They’ve disconnected from their deliciousness, they’ve disconnected from their ecstasy. The things that make them feel alive are so deeply repressed in the unconscious because they’re so shamed, and then what do they do? They judge other people for the same thing. They look for fights that are meaningless because they have lost touch with purpose.

If we look at the initial symbolism of the pentagram, that’s what it boils down to. You have the four elements that represent the four fundamental aspects of human psychology, which are the building blocks of the ego, and then you have spirit that governs over all of them. Spirit is purpose. It’s what is the purpose that unites your psychological air, water, and fire. It is what is the uniting purpose between these different archetypes and psychic components within yourself to stop them being in rebellion, having unconscious things that work against you on a day-to-day level. What’s the harmony with yourself? The purpose of religion is really Gaian in its Latin root, right? To reconnect. It’s to reconnect these various components of yourself, and without a ritual practice, a spiritual practice, you don’t have that.

But here’s the problem that everyone has when they get into these magical ideas: they’re interesting, but they do the same thing I saw in the seduction communities. People get so caught up on the script, “Oh, that next,” and they’re so externally referenced and they don’t know all the steps because they’re not the ones that invented them. There’s always the next course, the next product, the next grimoire, the next book, the next discovery past this, and it becomes a constant externalization of your power. Take the grimoires, put them aside, go sit and work with your dreams, go sit in your ritual space and symbolize in your ritual space, not what you picked up in a grimoire that says you need five candles and seven bunnies and whatever other rubbish that’s there. Go into your psyche, close your eyes, start to imagine. Create a secret garden or a sacred space. Create a representative of your higher self, of your holy guardian angel, of your demon, and then speak to it actively out loud if you need to or internally and then let the imaginatory journeys play.

Then log everything. By logging everything, by reporting to somebody, have somebody that you can work with, a professional even, a Jungian analyst if you can find one, or somebody else who’s also committed to personal development that can hold you accountable, that you share these things with and help reflect. Ask yourself, “What does it mean?” because you don’t go, and this is another problem that we see in the occult. People go into those places and they go like, “Oh, the great demon Excarvador came to me and I am now his prophet.” No, you are just deluded because you can’t deal with the intensity of the forces of the unconscious. Instead, go and simply say, “What is this symbolic of?” The problem is that these forces can possess us, they can become that intense, especially if we haven’t really dealt with them, especially if we can’t find a middle ground.

That’s the problem that a lot of people have when they start this work. They try to go to the deepest level of the occult, like the Shem ha-Mephorash and the Goetia and everything, and they’ve never even developed the circle. What is the circle in magic? It’s not the stones that you throw around in a group. It’s not like, “Oh, by the powers of three, by three times three,” none of that rubbish. It’s a sense of a mature, healthy boundary. That’s the circle. That’s why we create a circle. It represents this personal boundary of a healthy, well-adjusted ego because that’s what your ego is supposed to do. It’s supposed to liaise between the forces of your unconscious. It’s supposed to negotiate and come to terms with these different intense forces.

What you have is a bunch of people that get completely irrational, they completely jump the gun, they go all the way to the other side and then they’re no longer part of society. They’re all those extremes and that’s not healthy. That’s now going to the exact opposite of the rational, and that may give you wonderful moments and insights and experience the same way that the extreme rational does, but none of them is a whole being. They’re only half sides of the coin, and you need to be whole. That’s the point of this entire journey. That’s where the ecstasy lies. That’s where the joy and the richness and the beauty of these things lie.

Why is this important in this whole living deliciously? Because once you start actively building this relationship within yourself, you stop going, “When that person responds to my text, I’ll be happy.” “When I have X more followers on my social media, then I’ll be happy.” “When I finally find the one, then I’ll be happy.” This is literally what magic has taught us is the exact way to not get any of that. Magic works on one simple fundamental principle: you don’t need a new spell, you don’t need a ritual, you don’t need some secret grimoire. The principle is very simple. It’s the law of entanglement. Whatever you vibrate and whatever is in a match of that vibration will show up in your life because you enter into psychic rapport with it.

So if you unlock the ecstasy, the joy, the happiness, the fulfillment, the deliciousness within yourself, what’s gonna happen? It’s gonna show up in your life. Now when it shows up, it’s not instantly there. Maybe it brings up other unconscious hidden repressed things that you have to deal with and heal with. That’s what you then take into your ritual work. That’s what you then symbolize through your candles as you represent your active imagination through that. You internally begin this work, this alchemy, and this transformation. That’s when you can relook at your grimoires and now understand what these ancient magicians were doing.

You look also not just at those little maps, those little methods and rituals, you look at the technique, the principle behind it, the developmental theories that go into it, and you create your own. It’s the same as a seduction guide. Some guy gives you a thing about, “Oh, always…” I love that stupid thing from the pickup artist community: negging, where you technically insult a woman but in a nice way. You’ll say something like, “Oh, you’re a model? Wow, man, like a hand model?” or “You have a nice hat, it reminds me of my grandmother.” It’s these insulting things, but then they’re said by people that are narcissists that aren’t actually confident, and it just comes through.

The actual purpose behind that entire thing was not to telegraph over interest, that you weren’t being influenced by the other person. But you know how you really do that without a technique? You figure out your personality might actually need some work as an individual and you should stop putting that on a pedestal, you know, the other person on a pedestal. The reason people fail there is not because of the technique but because they’re putting too much value in another person and not enough value in themselves because they haven’t discovered it. Now again, that can also be misinterpreted. It can become this unhealthy ego or what we call narcissism, where they go, “I’m great, I’m great, I’m great,” but deep down inside they go, “Oh man, my mother keeps screaming at me, I can’t afford my own place.”

That’s an incongruent message. They haven’t gone within, they haven’t gone to the unconscious, they haven’t dealt with this stuff, and they haven’t then taken the necessary action in the rational logical world to bring that about, to really create the transformation. That voice may say, when they go, “I want my own place, I want my own freedom,” you’re not going to get that from Mom. Get off your butt, get a job, create your own reality, start going there. Now you’re going to have self-respect, and the next person, next time somebody tests you, you’re going to pass the test. You’re not even going to notice this one because you’re just that radiant person. That’s what that other individual is doing anyway. They’re just trying to see, “Is this person for real?”

The technique doesn’t matter, the same as the spell. The spell is irrelevant. You have to write your own spells, your own rituals, your own grimoire, and the only way you’re ever going to do that is by establishing a healthy relationship within yourself and then systemically increasing your deservingness of ecstasy, your deservingness of wealth, your deservingness of pleasure. Not because of mind games but because of actively discovering it within yourself already, going within and finding the representative of your unconscious of that, finding the memories of where that actually comes from—your fears, your beliefs in poverty and unlimited thinking—and then changing and healing at that level.

Again, I’m sharing this in the form of an episode, an idea, but trust me, it’s real work. This is what we spend so much time in ritual doing and meditation and daily disciplines to change and heal these inner narratives because the story you tell yourself about why you don’t have what you want is the reason you don’t have what you want. It’s when you go, “People are this, women are that, men are this, companies that, this is my story.” Holding on to that is you holding on to an identity, which is a collective of vibration. Your life, your world is a reflection of that.

If you want more ecstasy, you want more deliciousness, you want more joy, you want more happiness, that is what you need to change. You need to change who you are because who you are is the vault key on the tree of life, on the collective unconscious, on the actual fundamental quantum field from which all things are born, all reality is created. When you do that, you can begin to invite ecstasy in because you can begin to discover the mythology within yourself, your own private hero’s journey. By doing that, the richness and the beauty come in from your emotions that then flood over into your behavior that then triggers quantum changes in the world in synchronicities and then the opportunities show up.

If you want your life to change, go within. Go within and do the inner work that is necessary. If you’re not sure how to do it, there are plenty of programs out there that teach you how to work with active imagination, how to start interpreting your dreams. But don’t do like so many others do when they go into their ritual chambers and they work with other deities but they’re replacing the archetypes within themselves. They’re repressing the inner story, they’re numbing the depression, they’re numbing the negative feelings instead of going and representing those negative feelings and beginning a dialogue with them. You’re not a singular being; you’re a multi-dimensional, multi-plural being. You’re a plural entity. You have many beings within your unconscious, and it’s time to start becoming a good ruler.

It’s time to get clear on what your ethics are, what your ethos are, what your vision and mission is for life, and then it’s time to go within and sit with the different archetypes and beings and deities there, and then build that relationship and come all to the same point of agreement so you’re working with the different parts of yourself to your vision. This is crucial because until you have worked through the ones in your personal unconscious, you stand no chance against the ones in the collective unconscious and all these spiritual realms that we represent in the Kabbalistic tree and on the other side. Those are even further, and if you don’t have conscious awareness of these most basic ones within you, you’re going to be ridden by the others, you’re not going to have control, and you’re going to see the madness that we see historically from all these little bastardized systems that don’t have the benefit of a healthy structure.

Magic is not in the old world; it’s the study of the new. If you’re not integrating the new insights in psychology and personal research and quantum mechanics and new biology and business and behavioral science with your magic, you’re honestly just attaching yourself to the magician archetype, which is the air archetype. That means you’re only looking at one of your elements and not all four of them, and you’re not even ready to look at the planetary dimensions or the ones behind them. Don’t let these little systems and books trick you into what this process is about. This is a process of inner alchemical transformation. I know this hasn’t been the most delicious thing, it’s not been in the scenes where I’m like, “Oh, you deserve all the joy in the world,” because I shouldn’t have to tell you that.

You should feel that you deserve the joy of the world and that you should have it first class, the best quality relationships, and that you can have a beautifully rich magical life and a successful business life and successful relationships and great health and all of these things. If you’re not getting that, if you are a serious magical practitioner and you’re putting your time into ritual and you’re doing all of these things but you’re not getting that, it’s because you’re not doing this. It’s because you’re out there chasing the candle and you’re not actually seeing Mother Nature right next to you saying, “Hey, here I am. I’m here through your feelings, I’m here in your dreams, I’m here in your unconscious.”

The higher self, the demonic self, the sacred self is always talking to you. You don’t need a ritual, a private dance, or a strange sin of incantations and evocations to get in touch with it. I was raised as a spiritualist and I learned very quickly that I don’t need a grimoire to get in touch with any entities. I can get in touch with the entities through my spirit guide because they’ve got contact with every other spirit guide, so I could just learn to talk to them there and I didn’t need any of those things. What I needed though is I needed to start off with active imagination to get myself in touch with that deeper part and then work with the symbolisms. Not to take these things literally but to look at them symbolically and then interpret the meaning and then relate that meaning to what’s actively going on in my life right now and what I’m actively working on and then to do the work.

But also at the same time to stand as the ethical king between the forces of the infinite. As you do that and you pull the trust of the various portions of yourself, your ecstasy will begin to flow, your joy and your happiness will begin to flow. It won’t be externally dependent anymore because you’ve gotten in touch with the fundamental sources within yourself of that. You’ll be self-validated, and by being self-validated, your emotional states will change. As such, your behavioral states will change. From these behaviors, you’ll get new results, new outcomes, and that will build on top of each other and that will create a new destiny, a new life for yourself.

At the psychological level, your identity is changing as a result of this connecting with these other experiences. Your sense of self, your spirit sensation, or what’s called the aura will change, which means your energetic body will change, which means it’ll change what it attracts and what it brings in your life. From a quantum mechanical point of view, your vibration shift equals your entanglement shift. When your entanglement shifts, that means what you gain access to in the collective field also shifts, and now suddenly those new experiences come out. But if those experiences come out and you’re not taking action on them, you’re not following through on them, it’s because there’s something still repressed in the psyche, in the shadow, in the unconscious, preventing you from walking into your destiny.

That means casting another spell is not going to work. It means go into the dreams, go into the sadness, represent it, dialogue with it, engage with it. Come to common terms, come to a shared purpose, and then find the maturest expression of that that is relevant in this world. Your archetypes don’t actually have a relationship with this world. They live in the mythical world of the infinite. They live in other dimensions and other realities, and you are the representative of this world. If you can’t create harmony between the entities within you, how are you going to create it with other people in this world?

That’s necessary to build families, to build business, to build joy. That’s what you deserve. You deserve your successful brand, you deserve your happy polyamorous or monogamous relationship, you deserve your tribe. You get to see people for their beauty, not just for their positions. We get caught on these positions, we get caught having stupid fights when we have lost sight of the true vision within ourselves and our experience.

When you do that, I want to leave you with one more thought. You’ve been programmed that there are limitations and lacks and that’s because you’ve been referencing these things externally. When you start referring them internally, suddenly new opportunities and new possibilities come out. Then you need to begin shifting your beliefs and your positions to recognize that what you want and who you are, what your fundamental being is, is not rare and unique. That just serves your need for significance. It’s abundant. The weird, creepy things or strange kinks that you have that are so uniquely you, they are rich, they’re abundant.

There are thousands and thousands of people that have the same, that want what you want, that have the same kinks, the same interests, the same pleasures, that have the same dreams for companies and for visions and for relationship dynamics. They are in abundance. The only reason you’re not getting it is because you’re perceiving yourself as lacking. You’re perceiving yourself as limited, you’re perceiving this is weird. You’re still attaching shame to it instead of loving and embracing and opening up to these things as that they are abundant, that they are rich, that nature is full of this. You’re getting messages from the divine of possibilities. All you have to do then is just find the healthiest way to express it, the most beautiful and exciting way that you can feel proud of and inspired by.

If you’re doing that, you’re going in 100%, you’re fully present. That’s the energy of ecstasy that will attract everybody because everyone will go, “That seems amazing, I want to be part of that,” and you’re going to get more people to be part of that. All right, I hope this has been helpful. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the next episode, and I want to say thank you again for everybody that has been a loyal subscriber to the show, that’s been leaving their comments and everything.

No, Captain Diabetes, I am not changing the length of my intro. I don’t care what YouTube’s algorithm says. I like it and it’s going to stay. But thanks for the comment and thanks for the feedback. I want to see yourself. But for everybody else that’s been giving me ideas and concepts as the show grows, please keep giving me comments, keep giving me feedback, help me create something that we can all find absolutely delicious. If I said something that sparked an idea, an interest within you that’s maybe changed something, also please let me know. I’d love to hear your stories. I am genuinely interested and curious about others because until we are all free, not one of us is truly free.

Anyway, I’m Adam Knox and remember to live deliciously.

Meet the GOAT Adam Nox

Adam is the founder and host of the Cvlt of you and creator of the secret science occult system.

He holds various occult lineages as well as iniatory levels in orders such as the Golden Dawn, The Dragon Rouge, Freemasonry and the Rosicrucian order as well as several other lesser known groups and covens

Founder of the Order of delirious Saints

and Chief Technology officers of Sinappsus International Adam boasts mastery in over 65 different tech stacks and languages as well as being a master nlp practitioner, hypnotist and shamanic bdsm facilitator and shibari healer 

“You must fall in love daily with who you can be and what your life could be. – Adam Nox”

“Your emotional body is constantly looking to the mind to say, ‘What are we experiencing?’  – Adam Nox”

“The story you tell yourself about why you don’t have what you want is the reason you don’t have what you want.”



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