August 2024: Astrology Preview with Bill Duvendack

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Time to plan the month of August 2024 With the Astrologer himself Rev Bill Duvendack as he guides ust through the days ahead.

Summaries for Each Date in August 2024:
August 1

The sun in Leo is sextile Mars in Gemini. This aspect emphasizes creativity, optimism, and strong communication. It’s a good time to make connections and engage in conversations.

August 2

The sun squares Jupiter, introducing tension but also opportunities for growth and expansion. Reflect on areas of life that need growth and new beginnings.

August 5

Mercury conjuncts Saturn, promoting mental discipline and focus. Ideal for studying or detailed project work.

August 6

Venus trines Neptune, fostering creativity, love, and enjoyment of beauty. Perfect for creative projects and romantic endeavors.

August 8

Mars opposes Pluto, highlighting power struggles and the need for transformation. It’s a time to let go and make necessary changes.

August 9

Mercury enters Virgo, enhancing communication and organizational skills. Great for detailed work and getting thoughts in order.

August 10

The sun trines Chiron, encouraging healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Focus on addressing and healing wounds.

August 13

New moon in Leo, signaling new beginnings in creativity and joy. It’s a time to shine and embrace new opportunities.

August 15

Mercury trines Uranus, bringing mental breakthroughs and insights. Solutions to problems may come unexpectedly.

August 18

The sun conjuncts Mercury, emphasizing communication and intellectual pursuits. Good for discussions and mental activities.

August 19

Venus sextiles Pluto, inviting deep emotional work and transformation in relationships. Focus on heart matters.

August 21

Mars trines Saturn, supporting disciplined action and focus. Ideal for accomplishing tasks requiring effort and concentration.

August 23

Mercury opposes Neptune, causing potential confusion and lack of clarity. Meditate and seek clarity to overcome mental fog.

August 24

The sun trines Pluto, empowering transformation and significant life changes. Embrace your power and make impactful decisions.

August 25

Mercury trines Jupiter, enhancing learning and communication. It’s a good time for expanding knowledge and horizons.

August 26

Mars opposes Neptune, leading to possible energy drains and lack of motivation. Rest and recharge are essential.

August 28

Venus squares Uranus, bringing sudden changes and disruptions in relationships. Expect upheavals and deal with underlying issues.

August 30

Full moon in Pisces, focusing on culmination and completion. Connect with inner self, let go of what’s not serving you, and embrace dreams and spirituality.

our sun system

“August 2024 is defined by Mercury retrograde – a time to reflect, re-evaluate, and reconnect.”

“Embrace creativity and optimism as the sun in Leo sextiles Mars in Gemini. Make those connections count!”

there’s really one phrase to define August 2024, and that phrase is Mercury retrograde. You got it. Now that one’s coming up. It starts off in Virgo, backs into Leo, and it starts pretty early in the month. And it gets done at the very end. So in a very polite gesture, the stars are saying this is all going to be contained into one month. Now, you may have already been feeling it and you might feel it a few days afterward. The first couple of days in September, but otherwise, everything takes place just in August. So make sure you bookmark this and come back when you need it before it begins though.

On August 1st, the sun in Leo is sextile Mars in Gemini until the eighth, so you have about a week. The Sun in Leo is all about creativity and optimism and strong willpower and good fortune. And Mars in Gemini is saying now, let’s talk, let’s have a conversation, let’s connect. So the two of them are forming a harmonious aspect. Use this time to get out there and talk to people and make connections. By the time we get to August 2nd, we have the sun square to Jupiter. And anytime we have a square to Jupiter, it’s actually not a bad thing. It means there’s a little bit of tension, but it’s tension with the planet of good fortune and expansion. So the sun and Jupiter are squaring off, and it’s saying what areas of your life do you need to expand? Where do you need to grow? What is it that you need to take on that’s new?

August 5th brings Mercury conjunct with Saturn. This is a great time for mental discipline. If you need to focus on something, if you need to study, if you need to really get into the nitty-gritty details of a project, this is the time to do it. By August 6th, we have Venus trine Neptune. This is a lovely, lovely aspect. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, trining Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality, is a great time for any kind of creative work, for falling in love, for just really enjoying the beautiful things in life.

August 8th brings Mars opposition Pluto. Now, this is a bit of a tough aspect because Mars, the planet of action and aggression, is opposing Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. So you might find that there’s a power struggle going on. There might be something that you need to let go of, something that you need to transform. This is a great time to dig deep and really look at what it is that needs to change in your life.

On August 9th, Mercury enters Virgo, which is one of the signs it rules. This is a great time for any kind of communication, any kind of detailed work. If you need to get organized, if you need to get your thoughts in order, this is the time to do it. By August 10th, we have the sun trine Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer, and when the sun forms a trine with it, it’s saying it’s time to heal. It’s time to look at those wounds and really work on them. This is a great time for any kind of healing work, whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual.

August 13th brings a new moon in Leo. New moons are always a time for new beginnings, and in Leo, it’s about creativity, it’s about joy, it’s about really putting yourself out there and shining. Use this new moon to start something new, to really embrace your inner light and let it shine.

On August 15th, we have Mercury trine Uranus. This is a great time for any kind of mental breakthroughs. If you’ve been stuck on a problem, if you’ve been trying to figure something out, this is the time when the answers might come to you in a flash of insight.

August 18th brings the sun conjunct Mercury. This is a great time for any kind of communication, any kind of intellectual work. The sun and Mercury together are saying let’s think, let’s talk, let’s communicate.

By August 19th, we have Venus sextile Pluto. This is a great time for any kind of deep emotional work, for really getting to the heart of matters in your relationships. It’s a time for transformation in love and beauty.

August 21st brings Mars trine Saturn. This is a great time for any kind of disciplined action. If you need to get something done, if you need to really focus and work hard, this is the time to do it.

On August 23rd, we have Mercury opposition Neptune. This can be a bit of a confusing aspect because Neptune can bring fog and confusion, especially to Mercury, the planet of the mind. So if you’re feeling a little bit fuzzy, a little bit unclear, this is why. Try to take some time to meditate, to clear your mind, and to find some clarity.

August 24th brings the sun trine Pluto. This is a powerful aspect for transformation, for really stepping into your power and making some big changes in your life.

By August 25th, we have Mercury trine Jupiter. This is a great time for any kind of learning, any kind of communication. It’s a time for expanding your mind and your horizons.

August 26th brings Mars opposition Neptune. This can be a bit of a draining aspect because Neptune can sap Mars’ energy. So if you’re feeling a little bit low on energy, a little bit unmotivated, this is why. Try to take some time to rest and recharge.

On August 28th, we have Venus square Uranus. This can be a bit of a disruptive aspect in relationships because Uranus can bring sudden changes and upheaval. So if there’s something that’s been brewing under the surface, this is the time when it might come out.

Finally, August 30th brings a full moon in Pisces. Full moons are always a time for culmination and completion, and in Pisces, it’s about dreams, it’s about spirituality, it’s about really connecting with your inner self. Use this full moon to let go of anything that’s no longer serving you and to really connect with your dreams and your inner wisdom.

“The sun squaring Jupiter on August 2nd reminds us that tension can lead to growth and expansion.”

“Venus trine Neptune on August 6th invites us to fall in love with life and embrace our dreams.”

Meet Bill Duvendack

I am a 35+ year practitioner and student of the western mysteries, as well as being an internationally known astrologer; specifically, an esoteric astrologer, author, presenter, psychic, tarot reader, and teacher.

I am an ordained Thelemic Bishop through the EGNU who can provide ceremonies of any faith and type, in accord with one’s beliefs. I have performed everything from weddings and handfastings to baby naming and blessing ceremonies, as well as remembrance service

bills links

“August’s new moon in Leo encourages us to start anew, shining brightly and embracing our inner light.”.”

“Mars trine Saturn on August 21st reminds us that disciplined action leads to great accomplishments.”



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