the core paradigm behind the unified self in occult thought is explored more deeply
Today we explore the essential habits of adept occultists and the eternal search for mastery.
so often do we look outside for our joy or ecstasy but what does it really mean to live deliciously. how do we unlock the god or goddess of joy and pleasure inside our own unconscious
by understanding the demonic inside us we finally get hold of the shadow that rules so much of our lives and begin the path of mastery and true healing
today we deep divine into why mantra works for others and sigils work for others from a neuroscience standpoint
Spells, curses, magic rituals—much of it sounds quite superstitious, let’s be honest. In fact, the idea that a spell can just solve your problem seems quite ridiculous to many today. And honestly, it is. The idea that there’s this one little spell or one little ritual that’s going to solve all your problems is wishful thinking. It demonstrates a number of psychological issues that should be addressed before any success in magic can happen.
The elements in magick are far more than physical earth, air, fire and water but what are they at a deep fundamental level to all beings and how has much development in magick lost track of this today
many misunderstand the nature of ritual sacrifice because they are still interpenetrating text as if we still lived in that period. in this session we explore the integral development of our beings and what sacrifices means today
We are not gods, we are hybrids. We are gods with anus’s we are a blend between the pathetic and the divine and in embracing this we find true freedom
Pain has a very important role in our live even if a far to constant one. in this session we explore how to transmute it into art
Free yourself once and from all from possession or curses as you discover how these situations are self inflicted and how to regain your power
We are half divine and half demonic. William blake so well said that we must go to heaven to find form and to hell to find the energy to actualize it
The god of the old testament Jehovah is actually a mistranslated of an ancient principle by which we are all slaves. it is the principle that holds together the human ego and we must understand it to free ourselves from it
The great odin’s sacrifice carries a secret lesson for how we can all turn our pain into gold if we but sacrifice the eye that looks to our history and embrace instead our mystery
most are controlled by death but this very paradigm is a root cause of early aging as the fear becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, yet it also carries with it a great teaching to no longer hold onto that which has served its time
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