Establish the temple within and master the divided name of God
Welcome to “The Shem Hamephorash and the Temple Within: Unlocking the Secrets of Divine Magick.” This transformative course delves into the profound realms of the inner temple, the sacred journal, the enigmatic Shem Hamephorash, and the powerful Grimoire of Abraxas. Prepare to embark on a mystical journey that will unveil the hidden wisdom within, elevate your manifesting abilities, and empower you to command the spirits that dwell within the sacred realms of the unseen.
Key Topics Explored:
- The Inner Temple:
- Active Imagination: Learn how to tap into the power of active imagination to access the elemental forces within you, commune with the gods residing in your psyche, and explore the 22 paths of the Tree of Life.
- Advanced Manifestation Techniques: Discover potent techniques to manifest your desires through the alignment of your inner temple with the divine forces. Harness the power of your mind and spirit to create profound and lasting transformations in your reality.
- The Journal:
- The Secrets of Witchcraft: Dive deep into the art of journaling as a powerful tool for personal transformation and manifestation. Unleash your inner potential by eliminating internal blocks, unlocking the secrets of witchcraft, and harnessing the full extent of your magical abilities.
- The Shem Hamephorash:
- Ancient Rituals and Pathworkings: Explore the ancient rituals and pathworkings associated with the sacred Shem Hamephorash. Learn how to connect with the angelic forces and invoke their divine presence in your rituals and spiritual practices.
- Detailed Angelic Study: Delve into the intricate details of each angel within the Shem Hamephorash. Understand their attributes, correspondences, and specific areas of influence. Develop a profound connection with these angelic beings and harness their assistance in your magickal workings.
- The Grimoire of Abraxas:
- Advanced Spirit Work: Unlock the secrets of the Grimoire of Abraxas, an advanced system for accessing and commanding the spirits within. Explore powerful techniques to establish a sacred bond with these spirits, tapping into their wisdom and guidance for personal and spiritual growth.
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the depths of divine magick? Enroll in “The Shem Hamephorash and the Temple Within” and unlock the hidden treasures of your inner temple. Awaken your spiritual potential, manifest your desires, commune with divine forces, and command the spirits that dwell within the sacred realms. Join us on this extraordinary path of discovery, empowerment, and magickal transformation. Enroll now and embark on a magickal odyssey like no other.
- 9 Sections
- 131 Lessons
- Lifetime
- Suggested Viewing1
- Shem hameporash7
- The Inner Temple9
- The Journal15
- The Garden of Daily Delights2
- The Eloheem in One12
- The Grimoire of Abraxes11
- Angel Hierarchy73
- 8.1Shem Angels Details Introduction
- 8.2Vehuaiah
- 8.3Jeliel
- 8.4Sitael
- 8.5Elemiah
- 8.6Mahasiah
- 8.7Lelahel
- 8.8Achaiah
- 8.9Cahetel
- 8.10Aziel
- 8.11Aladiah
- 8.12Lauviah
- 8.13Hahaiah
- 8.14Yezalel
- 8.15Mebahel
- 8.16Hariel
- 8.17Hakamiah
- 8.18Lauviah
- 8.19Caliel
- 8.20Leuviah
- 8.21Pahaliah
- 8.22Nelebael
- 8.23Leiael
- 8.24Melahel
- 8.25Hahuiah
- 8.26Nith Haiah
- 8.27Haaiah
- 8.28Jerathel
- 8.29Seeiah
- 8.30Reiiel
- 8.31Omael
- 8.32Lecabel
- 8.33Vasariah
- 8.34Iehuiah
- 8.35Lehahiah
- 8.36Chevakiah
- 8.37Menadel
- 8.38Aniel
- 8.39Haamiah
- 8.40Rehael
- 8.41Ieiazel
- 8.42Hahahel
- 8.43Mikael
- 8.44Veuahiah
- 8.45Ielahiah
- 8.46Sealiah
- 8.47Ariel
- 8.48Asaliah
- 8.49Michael
- 8.50Vehuel
- 8.51Daniel
- 8.52Hahasiah
- 8.53Imam
- 8.54Nanael
- 8.55Nithael
- 8.56Mabaiah
- 8.57Poiel
- 8.58Nemmamiah
- 8.59Ieialel
- 8.60Harahel
- 8.61Mizrael
- 8.62Umabel
- 8.63Iah-Hel
- 8.64Anianuel
- 8.65Mehiel
- 8.66Damabiah
- 8.67Manakel
- 8.68Itaiel
- 8.69Chabuiah
- 8.70Rochel
- 8.71Iabamiah
- 8.72Haiel
- 8.73Mumiah
- Resources1