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Hi everyone, Bill Duvendack here with the October 2024 monthly astrological preview video. So grab your notebook and your pen or your pencil, grab your cuppa, and let’s talk about October. Because you know what? It’s going to be fun.
In the context of the last couple of months, we all need an opportunity to blow off some stress. One of the reasons I say that is because a common theme running through the whole of the month is grand trines in water signs and other elements. This gives you the idea that yes, you are allowed to be lazy for the month, but if you are, you might miss some opportunities for long-term planning.
You have to ask yourself for each opportunity that comes up: Are you content to let an opportunity go for the sake of rest, or is it an opportunity worth grabbing? There is no blanket answer—whatever works best for you is what’s going to work best for you. And who am I to say otherwise? All of that leads us to the fact that October 1st begins with a Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra. Communication, being the diplomat, being the peacemaker, being the moderator or the mediator—some would say if left unchecked, it would set the stage for indecisiveness. But here again, it’s for you to decide. Sometimes, people forget that making no choice is a clear choice.
Also, on the first, we’ve got the Moon in Virgo opposing Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. Any bad habits you’ve got? October 1st is a good time to break them or at least diminish them. The Moon in Virgo is also trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, giving us a grand Earth trine for the day between the Moon, Uranus Retrograde, and Pluto Retrograde. This means there is a strong opportunity for manifestation. But also, on the first, there’s a mutable sign T-square happening between the Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. I like to think of it as the soil breaking, with the Grand Trine in Earth representing the fruit that springs from that broken soil. The first is a good day to physically manifest results in your life, but expect there to be ripples and waves. The consequences might be unexpected, but they’re probably worth it. Ultimately, whether it’s worth it or not is your call. Also, on the first, there’s a water grand trine, suggesting your intuition and psychic skills will be sharper than normal. If your gut says manifest, go for it; if not, then maybe don’t.
This sets the tone for the whole month. On October 1st, we have Earth and Water grand trines—the lowest precipitated planes of elements, passive elements. This tells us that with the mutable sign T-square also happening on the same day, October will be about navigating the ebbs and flows of spirit, with special emphasis on emotions and dealing with the physical world. If you take nothing else from this daily focus, keep that in mind. It is a microcosm of how the entire month will go.
“Sometimes, making no choice is the clearest choice of all.”
“October is about navigating the ebbs and flows of spirit, emphasizing emotions and how we interact with the physical world.”
“Karma balances itself out in the context of the greater whole, not necessarily how we want it to.”
“Embrace each opportunity to manifest, even if the consequences may ripple. Growth requires courage.”
On October 1st, we also have Chiron Retrograde in Aries, trining Jupiter in Gemini. It’s a good day to talk with your friends or have conversations with professionals who can help with any psychological discomfort or triggered response you might have had recently. A therapy check-up would be a good use of this energy.
On the second, we’ve got a new moon in Libra. But it’s not just a new moon; it’s the Sun conjunct the Moon conjunct Mercury—all in Libra. The phrase that comes to my mind here is “the scales of justice.” Since the second is the new moon, karma is balancing itself out. Remember, karma balances out in the context of the greater whole, not necessarily how you want it to balance. So, on the first evening of October and on the second and third, watch for karmic scales to be righted. If it doesn’t balance in your favor, figure it out. The scales don’t care about our emotions or opinions. The Water Grand Trine from the first is still in effect, and that New Moon in Libra is opposing the North Node of the Moon Retrograde in Aries. Long story short, with this new moon, focus on how you get along with others rather than what you need for your greatest spiritual growth.
The fourth sees that Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra continue, and all of that is squaring Mars in Cancer. This aspect will hang around for about a week and suggests challenges in making family members get along or dealing with triggered emotions. This time is about paying attention to family relationships—blood or chosen—and handling situations with diplomacy.
On the fifth, we’ve got the Moon conjunct Venus in Scorpio, reminding us we’re coming up on Scorpio season. Both are trine Mars in Cancer. This is a day for increased supernatural activity, passion, and romance. It’s also a good day to review shared resources and finances, but be cautious of old wounds clouding judgment. Love can be used as a way to work through communication challenges with family, which will still be in effect on the fifth. The Water Grand Trine is still present.
On the sixth, emotions could be overwhelming, especially with the Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. Those struggling to manage emotions could find this month tough, but for those who can use their emotions as fuel, there is potential to accomplish a lot. The Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus Retrograde in Taurus, signaling distractions that could lead to accidents. Live in the moment, especially today. The Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, making this a good day to reassess how you handle emotions. Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron Retrograde in Aries and squares Mars in Cancer, warning us to be mindful of emotional triggers. Often, those we love most are the ones we unintentionally hurt the most, and the sixth may require extra care to avoid this.
On the seventh, the Moon in Sagittarius trines the North Node in Aries. It’s a good day to focus on spirituality, meditation, and heart-to-heart conversations. The Water Grand Trine is absent, making it a good time for emotional detachment. Enjoy some fun and blow off steam.
On the eighth, Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron Retrograde in Aries, meaning conversations could unintentionally cause wounds. Be careful with your words, especially during casual conversations. The Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, making it crucial to avoid daydreaming while traveling. There’s also a mutable sign T-square, suggesting internal challenges. Jupiter begins stationing retrograde, lasting until February next year, marking a time of dualities—balancing personal and professional aspects.
On the ninth, the Moon in Capricorn squares the North Node Retrograde in Aries. It’s a day for responsibility, even if it means missing out on some personal pleasures. The Water Grand Trine is still in effect, creating tension between obligations and desires.
On the tenth, the Moon in Capricorn opposes Mars in Cancer, meaning there may be tension around the home or workplace. It’s essential to keep the peace and avoid letting emotions escalate. This day is about prioritizing context and making tough decisions. Moon in Capricorn also trines Saturn Retrograde in Pisces, emphasizing trusting intuition and experience. A cardinal T-square present that day speaks to trusting in divine timing and purpose, without passivity.
On the eleventh, Pluto begins to station direct. This signals an upcoming transition into Aquarius, and we should be wary of potential acts of violence or sudden outbursts. Watch your temper and be careful in social settings. Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus Retrograde in Taurus, reminding us not to get distracted by anger. Instead, stay in the moment and detach from emotions that cloud judgment.
On the twelfth, we see Jupiter in Gemini trine the Sun in Libra, alongside the Moon in Aquarius. The Water Grand Trine continues, and we see the introduction of air into the mix, adding a dynamic of mental clarity. The combination of air and water can create emotional turbulence, like a cyclone, but it also has the potential to transform energy into fuel for achieving goals. How you utilize this depends on your focus.
On the thirteenth, we move into a fixed sign T-square, emphasizing staying the course and taking each moment step by step. Mercury enters Scorpio, and this transition might feel like a mini Mercury retrograde for a short while, bringing challenges in communication and processing information. The fourteenth and fifteenth bring a Pisces stellium with the Moon conjunct Saturn Retrograde in Pisces, and the Water Grand Trine continues, creating intense emotional energy. On the fifteenth, the Moon in Pisces squares Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini, prompting us to consider where to draw the line regarding emotional overindulgence. Are you willing to do the necessary work to break habits that inhibit personal growth? It’s time to revisit spiritual beliefs and ensure they are serving your highest purpose, rather than keeping you trapped in a victim mentality.
The sixteenth and seventeenth morph from a Water Grand Trine into a Cardinal Grand Cross. The Cardinal Grand Cross on the sixteenth highlights the Moon conjunct Chiron Retrograde in Aries, a day focused on aligning with divinity to achieve your goals while addressing psychological wounds. On the seventeenth, the full moon brings the opportunity to do the work necessary for personal healing. Venus enters Sagittarius, marking this full moon as one with a focus on spirituality and connection to the invisible world—whether that world is spiritual, ethical, or your inner self. This full moon may be challenging, but it offers emotional mastery, spiritual initiation, and the wisdom to know when to engage and when to detach.
On the eighteenth, the Moon in Taurus opposes Mercury in Scorpio, urging caution in communication, particularly around business and family matters. Venus in Sagittarius trines Pluto in Capricorn, bringing a favorable time for changes in romantic relationships and financial matters, lasting until around the twenty-first. The nineteenth sees the Moon conjunct Uranus Retrograde in Taurus, with both sextiling Mars in Cancer. The unexpected occurrences of the day can be seen as opportunities if home life is stable; otherwise, they may feel like obstacles. The best approach is to be compassionate and find inclusive solutions. The emotional themes from the eighteenth continue on the nineteenth, emphasizing the connection between our emotional state and our experience of the physical world.
On the twentieth, the Moon in Gemini squares Saturn Retrograde in Pisces, warning against thoughtless speech. It’s a day to avoid exposing spiritual beliefs that aren’t grounded. However, the Moon conjunct Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini suggests opportunities for expansion if emotional themes are avoided. The twenty-first brings a harmonious Moon in Gemini trine Sun in Libra, an excellent day for brainstorming and getting lost in your thoughts. If you’ve been disciplined for the first part of the month, this day is a good opportunity for a little break—a cheat day, but keep it to just one day. On the twenty-second, the Moon in Cancer trines Saturn Retrograde in Pisces, making it a good day for spiritual initiation and embracing new emotional approaches. The Water Grand Trine is back, signaling a tendency to seek pleasure, but remember the depletion that follows such indulgence.
On the twenty-third, the Sun moves into Scorpio, marking the beginning of Scorpio season. The Sun in Scorpio squares Pluto in Capricorn, so be cautious of power struggles and tensions, particularly with authority figures. The Moon in Cancer conjunct Mars in Cancer is trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, sextile Uranus Retrograde in Taurus, and square Chiron Retrograde in Aries. These intense water activities indicate emotions running high, and it’s important to avoid being triggered by words or triggering others. It’s also a day to channel emotional energy into something productive—turning emotions into action, like physical work or creative pursuits.
The twenty-fourth marks the beginning of a new grand trine, and this time it’s fire—marking a transition in energy for the month. With the Moon in Leo, the North Node in Aries, and Venus in Sagittarius, the focus is on action, optimism, and embracing the present. If you’ve been waiting for something, this is the day to make it happen. It’s a great day for fun, optimism, and spontaneity.
On the twenty-fifth, the Moon in Leo squares Mercury in Scorpio, suggesting challenges in communication, particularly regarding the need to prove oneself. It’s important to avoid appearing arrogant. This Moon is also trine Chiron Retrograde in Aries, meaning miscommunications may provide valuable lessons—meditate on them. It also trines Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini, encouraging time spent with friends and networking, as these connections may lead to future opportunities.
On the twenty-sixth, the Moon in Virgo sextiles the Sun in Scorpio, creating a Yod or “Finger of God” aspect. This is a day for paying attention to divine messages and synchronicities. Opportunities presented today may not come again soon, so it’s crucial not to miss them. Remember that every interaction is an interaction with divinity, and by seizing these opportunities, you align with destiny.
On the twenty-seventh, the Yod is replaced by a mutable T-square. The Moon in Virgo sextiles Mercury in Scorpio, making it a good day to organize your workspace, increase efficiency, and consider the details of your work processes. On the twenty-eighth, the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, emphasizing focus over daydreaming. The Water Grand Trine is back, signaling strong emotions, while a mutable T-square highlights potential challenges in handling group dynamics.
On the twenty-ninth, the Moon in Libra opposes the North Node in Aries, leading to indecision—although you may avoid making a decision, you will need to make it eventually. The Moon in Libra also sextiles Venus in Sagittarius, encouraging travel and relaxation with friends. The Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn indicates this is a good time to redefine friendships.
The thirtieth sees the Moon in Libra trine Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini, making it a day for engaging conversations, elevator pitches, and sharing ideas. On the thirty-first, a new moon in Scorpio brings the month to a grand conclusion, aligning with significant cultural celebrations such as Halloween and Dia de los Muertos. Emotions run deep, and we end the month with a shift in focus from intense emotions to themes of transformation, death, and rebirth.
Thank you for joining me for this look at October 2024. As you can see, there’s a lot happening, though not quite in the same intensity as the past few months. This month we deal more with archetypal themes and a focus on civility. Thank you to Adam Knox and The Cult of You for the platform to do this. This video will be available in all the usual places. Daily horoscopes will be posted on Facebook, X, Threads, and TikTok, with some sound and music to reflect the mood. Monthly horoscopes will also be on the website. Adam has some exciting things coming up, so be sure to check those out. Thanks to the editor who puts this together, and until we chat again, may we all receive blessings of good health, prosperity, and success as we move into the dark times of the year.
I am a 35+ year practitioner and student of the western mysteries, as well as being an internationally known astrologer; specifically, an esoteric astrologer, author, presenter, psychic, tarot reader, and teacher.
I am an ordained Thelemic Bishop through the EGNU who can provide ceremonies of any faith and type, in accord with one’s beliefs. I have performed everything from weddings and handfastings to baby naming and blessing ceremonies, as well as remembrance service
“This month, turn emotional turbulence into fuel for achieving your goals. Harness the energy that flows within you.”
“With each emotional challenge, remember: it’s not about what happens, but how you choose to respond.”
“Every interaction you have is an interaction with divinity. Recognize the sacred in each moment, and seize your destiny.”
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