September 2024: Astrology Preview with Bill Duvendack

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Hi, everybody! Bill Duvendack back here with the monthly astrological preview video for September 2024. So, grab your cup, maybe a notebook, but remember, this is a video, so you can come back to it later. Let’s talk about what’s coming up in the next 30 days, shall we?

“Adapt to align with the will of the people without compromising your integrity.”

“Balance the spiritual and the mundane; both are essential for growth.”

  • September 1: Uranus retrograde begins, bringing unexpected events; emotions are heightened.
  • September 2: New Moon in Virgo; good for cleaning, organizing, and starting new habits.
  • September 3: Analyze and refine your thoughts; be conservative in decisions.
  • September 4: Focus on relationships and harmony; expect some changes for balance.
  • September 5: Emotions run high with Mars in Cancer; protect your energy and avoid conflict.
  • September 6: Inner conflict between health decisions and personal beliefs; stay practical.
  • September 7: Good for spiritual exploration and introspection; trust your intuition.
  • September 8: Be practical and pragmatic with beliefs; start new spiritual practices.
  • September 9: Personal transformation begins; time to make significant changes.
  • September 10: Enjoy time with friends; watch spending and balance fun with responsibilities.
  • September 11: Diplomacy is key; avoid conflict and keep the peace in relationships.
  • September 12: Shift focus to career and practical goals; take actionable steps.
  • September 13: High manifestation energy; break bad habits and focus on your goals.
  • September 14: Relationships might challenge your spiritual growth; adapt wisely.
  • September 15: Use social connections to achieve goals; stay humble in interactions.
  • September 16: Emotions may cloud judgment; stay open to new information.
  • September 17: Full Moon urges balance between practicality and idealism.
  • September 18: Intense desire for change; break free from old habits.
  • September 19: Heal psychological wounds; expect resistance from others.
  • September 20: Spend time with loved ones; introspection and solitude may be needed.
  • September 21: Be careful with communication; unexpected disruptions possible.
  • September 22: Equinox brings balance; good for reflection and connecting with others.
  • September 23: Passion intensifies in relationships; be cautious of extreme emotions.
  • September 24: Focus on communication and diplomacy; initiate spiritual growth.
  • September 25: Renew dedication to changes; seek answers for personal healing.
  • September 26: Handle communication carefully; unexpected changes may occur.
  • September 27: Avoid arrogance; stay humble in pursuit of growth.
  • September 28: Share creativity; expect positive outcomes and inner healing.
  • September 29: Focus on work and routines; integrate feedback for improvement.
  • September 30: Reflect on progress; tackle higher-level challenges.

“Healing begins with understanding, even when feedback is unexpected or unwelcome.”

“Ground your ideas in reality; the journey of manifestation starts with action.”

Key Insights and Take Aways
  • Navigating Retrogrades and Transitions: The month starts with a complex period involving the end of Mercury retrograde and the beginning of Uranus retrograde, leading to unexpected events and disruptions. It’s important to remain calm and adapt to the changing energies.

  • Balancing Spiritual and Practical Concerns: There is a theme of finding harmony between the spiritual and the mundane, especially with key transits involving Virgo and Pisces. Being practical while not ignoring deeper emotional or spiritual needs is a significant challenge.

  • Importance of Adaptability: Several astrological aspects suggest that being open to feedback, even when unexpected or unwelcome, is crucial. Adapting to new circumstances without losing personal integrity is highlighted throughout the month.

  • Inner Transformation and Healing: The month’s energies support deep introspection and healing, particularly around mid-month, as aspects involving Scorpio, Pisces, and other water signs promote emotional and psychological growth.

  • Manifestation and Grounding Energies: The presence of Earth Grand Trines and other grounding aspects encourages bringing ideas and spiritual insights into the tangible, physical realm. This is a period for putting thoughts into action and focusing on career and personal goals.

  • Opportunities for Creativity and Growth: Several days offer potent energies for creative expression and personal growth. However, balancing this with practicality and avoiding overindulgence or rash decisions is essential.

  • Relationship Dynamics and Communication: Relationships and communication play a significant role this month, with various aspects emphasizing the need for diplomacy, clear communication, and understanding in both personal and professional interactions.

Astrology. Astrologer calculates natal chart and makes a forecast of fate Tarot cards

Happy end of Mercury retrograde! It’s done, but don’t think it’s over just because the calendar says so. Mercury ended its retrograde status on August 29th, just a few days ago. But shortly after that, Uranus begins stationing to retrograde until the end of January 2025. Mercury is the planet of personal communication. A lot of times, Uranus is seen as the higher vibration of Mercury. Mercury corresponds to personal communication, while Uranus corresponds to mass communication, the World Wide Web, and the internet, such as when you’re giving a presentation in front of a lot of people. Uranus also corresponds to electricity, things happening out of the blue, and quite bluntly, chaos.

We go from a Mercury retrograde period that lasted most of August to Uranus stationing for a few days. It will finish its retrograde period in the next few days. So, for most of August, themes related to Mercury retrograde were what played out and what we all dealt with. When Mercury directed at the end of August, there might have been a couple of days where you could catch your breath. But then, all of a sudden, it hits you out of the blue again, and you’re like, “Wait a minute, I thought Mercury was done.” Well, it is, but now the planet of the unexpected, Uranus, is picking up where Mercury left off and bringing some stuff to the surface for a few days. Then things will settle down.

If you thought you were out of the woods with Mercury retrograde at the end of August, only to discover it feels like you’re going through a Mercury retrograde period again, don’t sweat it. It’s just a few days of Uranus stationing retrograde that happens on September 1st. Around the third or fourth, depending on where you live in the world, things will quiet down on that front. You should notice that the further we get into September, the less it feels like a Mercury retrograde. I just wanted to clarify for those of you starting this month thinking, “Oh no, it’s back again.” No, it’s not. So breathe deep, relax, and let’s go.

Also, on the first, besides Uranus stationing retrograde, the moon is conjunct Mercury in Leo. You may find it’s easy to communicate your emotions, especially in creative ways. It might also be a good day to work on your creative projects. Venus in Libra on the first is trining Pluto in Aquarius, making it a good day for brainstorming, particularly with groups of friends and social circles you might be part of.

However, Saturn retrograde in Pisces is squaring Jupiter in Gemini. You may find that when you brainstorm ideas and solicit feedback from others, they give you opinions you didn’t expect or want. But the key here is to remember that if you ask the question, you have no idea what the response will be. You might have thought you were asking about something, and you get a lot of people chiming in with opinions that have nothing to do with your idea. That’s okay; it’s your fault. However, there is wisdom in what they say, regardless of whether it ties into your topic or not. So, in other words, keep an open mind.

Some people would say this means you get more than you bargained for or something different than you expected, and that would be true. Instead of brushing off the unsolicited feedback—in this case, solicited feedback—listen to it and consider its relevance and importance before making a decision.

On the first, Neptune retrograde in Pisces is also squaring Mars in Gemini. As you heavily intellectualize things with your friends and social circles, it may not align with where you’re going spiritually or emotionally, and that’s okay. Even negative feedback is better than none at all. With Saturn retrograde and Neptune retrograde in Pisces squaring these Gemini placements, there might be inner conflict between taking a superficial view of everything versus diving deep into some things.

The moon conjunct Mercury in Leo is also squaring Uranus as it’s stationing. This suggests that you might want to be careful how you present things to friends. You might be stating something as a simple fact or your perspective, and people blow it out of proportion or misunderstand you. That’s part of the troubleshooting process. Sometimes when you present an idea to others, you get feedback based on what you said, not what you intended. And therein lies the difference.

September 2nd brings us the new moon in Virgo. It’s a good time to clean the office, the kitchen, and organize your finances. It’s also a good time to begin new behaviors related to diet and information processing. Around the second or third, depending on your location, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn. I pause here because many people are saying, “Yay, Pluto is in Aquarius!” No, it’s not. It’s on the cusp of Aquarius and Capricorn. Here we go back to Capricorn. Pluto won’t fully enter Aquarius for quite a while yet. This retrograde is proof. It’s like a burlesque show: Pluto shows a little Aquarius action and then pulls back to Capricorn conservatism.

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is sextile Neptune retrograde in Pisces. It’s a good day to see what you need to change spiritually for success. Let’s face facts: society, which is usually groups of individuals, can produce a thought form known in political science as “the will of the people.” This thought form, fueled by thousands or millions, has more energy than any individual. I point this out because if you see where the will of the people is going, you can adapt to align with it without compromising yourself or stay true to your beliefs and choose not to adapt.

On the third, the moon in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini, making it a good day to continue cleaning and analyzing your thoughts, beliefs, and practices. You may find it wise to play things conservatively for now, but this will fade over the next few days. The moon in Virgo also opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces, suggesting a time to be practical in all things Virgo and leave spiritual and emotional matters for later. On the third, Venus in Libra opposes the North Node of the moon retrograde in Aries. While your personal relationships may be going well, they might not be carrying you toward spiritual growth. That’s okay; sometimes, you must focus on mundane things.

On the fourth, the moon is conjunct Venus in Libra. It may be about feeling good, reaching out, and talking to people, coming away from the conversations feeling better. It’s also a good day for creative and artistic endeavors. However, the moon in Libra is trining Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, despite their usual tension, and this suggests that seeking balance and harmony might require personal changes.

On the fifth, Mars enters Cancer. Mars, a planet of fire, entering a water sign like Cancer, might produce some emotional steam. Watch your emotions and temper, as you might overwork yourself or feel drained by close friends and family. As Mars settles into Cancer, focus may shift to home life, close friends, and family matters.

The Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces from the sixth to the twelfth. This suggests an inner conflict between maturity, responsibility, and practicality. It might be a time to make changes for health, which could conflict with personal beliefs or habits. Also, Mercury in Leo squares Uranus retrograde in Taurus, a good day for creative work but not for sharing it publicly.

Mercury in Leo sextiles the moon in Libra, encouraging you to bring creative ideas into reality. However, the moon in Libra squares Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, signaling a need to manage temper and avoid accidents. The moon in Libra also opposes Chiron retrograde in Aries, indicating inner healing may take a backseat to maintain peace.

On the seventh, the moon in Scorpio trines Mars, now in Cancer. This is a good day for introspection, spiritual exploration, and spending time with close loved ones. The eighth continues with spiritual themes, emphasizing practicality and pragmatism with beliefs, while the moon trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

On the eighth, the sun in Virgo sextiles the moon in Scorpio, highlighting practical steps towards spiritual goals. However, the sun also squares Jupiter in Gemini, cautioning against overspending and overindulgence.

On the ninth, Mercury moves into Virgo, bringing a brief sense of confusion or “mini Mercury retrograde” vibes in the early hours. As the day progresses, challenges in communicating emotions clearly may arise due to a square with the moon in Scorpio. The focus is on personal transformation, indicated by the moon sextile Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Watch out for unexpected challenges on the physical plane.

On the tenth, the moon in Sagittarius sextiles Venus in Libra, encouraging fun, travel, and social activities. However, be mindful of spending as the moon opposes Jupiter in Gemini and squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

The eleventh brings a more challenging energy as the moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces and opposes Mars in Cancer. Diplomacy is essential to avoid conflicts, especially in close social and family circles. The moon trines Chiron retrograde in Aries, suggesting that being diplomatic can facilitate inner healing.

On the twelfth, the moon in Capricorn trines Mercury in Virgo, signaling a shift towards career and practical goals. The moon squares the North Node in Aries and opposes Mars in Cancer, highlighting potential conflicts between personal responsibilities and spiritual growth.

The thirteenth sees the moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto retrograde, signaling transformation and a need to watch for accidents or temper flare-ups. An Earth Grand Trine with the moon, sun, and Uranus offers powerful manifestation energy, but only with hard work and focus.

From the fourteenth to the twentieth, various aspects continue to highlight personal growth, relationship dynamics, and finding balance between external achievements and internal healing. The period is marked by challenges that encourage adaptability and a deeper connection to one’s spiritual path.

On the twenty-first, the moon in Taurus conjuncts Uranus retrograde, suggesting unexpected disruptions or surprises, especially related to communication or routines. Be careful with what you eat, electricity, and how you interact online.

On the twenty-second, the Equinox brings balance with the sun moving into Libra and the moon in Gemini trining the sun. This is a time for reflection and connection with others, making it ideal for troubleshooting and re-evaluating your path forward.

On the twenty-third, Venus moves into Scorpio, intensifying passion in romantic and business matters. However, it squares Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, suggesting potential conflicts between personal desires and professional obligations.

From the twenty-fourth to the end of the month, various aspects encourage diplomacy, communication, and a focus on grounding spiritual insights into practical actions. The month closes with an emphasis on continued transformation and growth, both internally and externally.

The Moon in Cancer squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces, suggesting your intuition might mislead you; it’s crucial to differentiate between genuine intuition and negative thought forms. The Moon in Cancer squares the Sun in Libra, forming a cardinal T-square with Neptune in Pisces. This is a challenging configuration that calls for inviting spirit or divinity to guide you through the day’s obstacles.

September 25: The Moon conjuncts Mars in Cancer, trining Saturn retrograde in Pisces. This combination supports continued spiritual and emotional changes, providing a burst of energy to renew dedication to personal growth. Jupiter in Gemini sextiles Chiron retrograde in Aries, encouraging the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom to facilitate healing.

September 26: The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, warning of potential temper flare-ups and accidents, both at home and at work. Be mindful of how your words might be received, as they could have unintended consequences. The Moon trines Neptune retrograde in Pisces, supporting continued progress in spiritual and emotional growth.

Mercury enters Libra, which may feel like a brief mini Mercury retrograde in the evening of the 25th and the morning of the 26th. From the 26th to October 5th, Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Libra, creating an ideal period for diplomatic communication and finding inner balance. The Moon trines Uranus retrograde in Taurus, suggesting that intuition might lead you to unexpected but positive situations.

September 27: The Sun is conjunct Mercury, continuing the theme from the previous day, but it opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces, challenging you to maintain new behaviors instead of reverting to old habits. Venus in Scorpio squares the Moon in Leo, highlighting potential conflicts between being overly secretive or insecure and needing to present confidence. The Moon trines the North Node of the Moon retrograde in Aries, signaling a focus on spiritual growth and moving into new cycles.

September 28: The Moon in Leo sextiles Jupiter in Gemini, making this a great day for sharing creative endeavors, networking, and seizing opportunities for good fortune. The Moon also trines Chiron retrograde in Aries, indicating that expressing creativity can facilitate inner healing.

September 29: The Moon in Virgo sextiles Venus in Scorpio, directing attention back to business and work routines. The Moon sextiles Mars in Cancer, encouraging maintaining momentum both at work and at home. Focus on grounding the energy of the Earth Grand Trine that has been present throughout the month.

September 30: The Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces, revealing that while you are focused on organizing and cleaning, you may realize you’ve made progress in breaking bad habits or need to approach them from a more complex level. The Moon squares Jupiter in Gemini, suggesting it is not the best day to share creative projects but rather to refine them based on recent feedback.

Meet Bill Duvendack

I am a 35+ year practitioner and student of the western mysteries, as well as being an internationally known astrologer; specifically, an esoteric astrologer, author, presenter, psychic, tarot reader, and teacher.

I am an ordained Thelemic Bishop through the EGNU who can provide ceremonies of any faith and type, in accord with one’s beliefs. I have performed everything from weddings and handfastings to baby naming and blessing ceremonies, as well as remembrance service

bills links

“True transformation happens when you face your inner conflicts head-on.”

“Embrace both creativity and practicality—this is where true innovation lives.”

“Stay true to yourself, but be willing to adapt and evolve along the way.”



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