Hey there, Sinners,
With everything going on in the world today, we have decided to end our dependence on platforms like Google, Meta, and Spotify for delivering our content to the public. While we do charge for coaching, products, and other services, we have no serious financial dependency or motivation in creating our educational material. As such, the loss of potential clientele due to this decision poses no risk to us.
What truly matters to us is the responsible use of occult technologies and the mental well-being of our students and initiates. For this reason, we are returning to traditional occult initiation curriculum processes that have been effective since antiquity.
The books of Adam Nox will serve as the only public incentive directing people to our site, alongside word-of-mouth from students who value this work. All our adept programs and coaching will only be available after a student has completed the content on this website—specifically, the teaching videos in Adam's blog area, as well as the Secret Science. No access to the Coven, the Order, or Daemontorship will be granted before this requirement is met.
Please be patient with us throughout March and April as we complete the migration of all content from other platforms to this site and establish the new member process. Access to all content from the Cult of You podcast will remain free here, and we will continue to conduct interviews and share teachings. However, they will no longer be made publicly available, and you will need to be at least a free-tier member of this website to access them. Our only form of announcements will come through our official newsletter.
We believe this decision is in the best interest of our community and the sacred work of occult technology, which should not be mistaken for simple self-help or approached without the sacred and personal responsibilities that this work demands.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
“All things are at all times in communication and relationship, whether locally or non-locally – Adam Nox.”
The journey of life is an endless process of learning, unlearning, and relearning. Yet, in this process, many have felt a connection to something beyond the physical world. Something that guides them to ask questions like, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” This something is often referred to as the Inner Daemon.
Our Inner Daemon, according to ancient Greek philosophy, is the divine spark within us, the part of us that remains connected to the universal consciousness. It is the part of us that drives our curiosity, shapes our desires, and fuels our quest for knowledge.
This is where the concept of Quantum Reality comes in. It proposes that we live in a universe of endless possibilities, where our observation can influence our physical reality. This is known as the Observer Effect.
Many of us have experienced this in our daily lives. When we perceive a situation as negative, it often turns out to be just that. Conversely, when we approach life with a positive mindset, positive outcomes become more probable.
In the grand scheme of things, our individual consciousness is like a drop in the ocean. Yet, every drop contributes to the vastness of the ocean. This realization gives rise to the Duality of Consciousness.
On one hand, we are separate individuals with unique thoughts, feelings, and experiences. On the other hand, we are part of a collective consciousness, a network of souls connected through shared experiences and emotions.
Understanding these ideas is not a destination, but a journey. To help people on this journey, I am developing a mentorship program. The intention is to contribute to the collective consciousness and help others along their journey of self-discovery.
This journey of self-discovery is not a linear one but is rather full of twists and turns. However, with guidance and a nurturing environment, it can be navigated with a sense of purpose and understanding. The mentorship program is being designed keeping this in mind.
As an integral part of the program, we focus on creating products and services that reflect our understanding and experiences. These products and services not only help us deepen our understanding but also give us the opportunity to share our learning’s with others. The objective is to cultivate a space that encourages growth, learning, and unity.
With this program, it is my hope that more people will find the courage to delve deeper into their inner selves, seek answers to their existential questions, and contribute to our collective journey towards universal consciousness. In doing so, we can begin to grasp the vast possibilities that lie within the realm of quantum reality, giving us the ability to shape our lives in ways we may have never thought possible.
Remember, there’s no right or wrong path. It’s about finding the path that resonates with your inner daemon, allowing it to guide you towards your true purpose. I look forward to seeing the products and services that you create and the contribution you make to our collective understanding.
Adam is the founder and host of the Cvlt of you and creator of the secret science occult system.
He holds various occult lineages as well as iniatory levels in orders such as the Golden Dawn, The Dragon Rouge, Freemasonry and the Rosicrucian order as well as several other lesser known groups and covens
Founder of the Order of delirious Saints
and Chief Technology officers of Sinappsus International Adam boasts mastery in over 65 different tech stacks and languages as well as being a master nlp practitioner, hypnotist and shamanic bdsm facilitator and shibari healer
CVLT has over 2 decades of experience building international brands and now we have decided to focus exclusively in this space. so if you are looking to build your business then here are some of our key offerings